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Case Study: FOG Control in High Calcium Environment


A U.S. military base was experiencing excessive grease issues in the main lift station. This lift station pumped directly to the local municipal system. A state agency inspected the lift station and mandated that a program be instituted to maintain it to prevent blockages, odors, equipment failure and proper operation.

United had previously attempted to control FOG in the local municipal system. When approached to help the military base bring this lift station up to standards, United knew from past experience in the area that attempts to bring other lift stations in the local municipality up to standard had been unsuccessful.


United continued to investigate the cause of previous failures. These investigations revealed that the local area had extremely high calcium hardness. Hardness readings were between 180 to 316 parts as compared to Lake Michigan where the water consistently runs about 30 parts.

United determined the real cause for the FOG control failure at this location and others in the local area was the fact that the waste water had such high levels of calcium that were coating the grease in the collection system. The coated grease was inhibiting the treatment program for FOG.


United went upstream to the primary source for grease discharge into the system and began a treatment program using United 756 Lift-Zyme. This allowed the product to work before the calcium was able to bind up the grease.

Lift Zyme is a proprietary blend of surfactants and enzymes that breakdown and liquefies the grease. Through a patented process Lift Zyme does not allow the grease to solidify and enhances bio-degradation. This allowed the FOG to flow in a liquid state through the lines and lift station that was failing without the grease reforming and hardening. The grease was then bio-degraded further down the line in the collection system.


The United Laboratories Lift Zyme chemical continues to effectively break down and liquefy the grease in the Lift Station. The "before" photo was taken August 13, 2015(the treatment was started July 14, 2015) The second photo of the lift station was taken on January 6, 2015 by base personnel.